€133.90 ex. VAT
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HCB 50K20 Hanging scale 20 g : 50 kg
The handy scales for higher loads up to 1 t
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Add the following item to your cart when purchasing your Kern product in order to add DKD Certification to your product. Click product link for more information
Ideal for rapid control in goods-in and goods-out
Essential too in the private sector to determine the weight of fish, game, fruits, bicycle parts, suitcases etc.
Hold function: For easy reading of the weighing result, the display can be frozen in different ways. Either automatically when the weighing value remains unchanged or manually by pressing the Hold key
Peak load display (peak hold), measuring frequency 5 Hz
HCB with >= 0,5 t: Reinforced version for heavy loads. Snap link and Hook not included